
The Outsiders Case Study


Icon outline of an open book.

Project Story

Batch was approached by Nearpod to create an educational film of the 1967 novel by SE Hinton, The Outsiders. The challenge? Teenagers studying the book in classroms today has to find it relatable. How can we put a new, fun spin on the old classic?

New interpretations of familiar characters and a somewhat completely left-field style was our approach to breath new life into the old classic.
The final film is just under the three minute mark, but check out the director’s cut to see the essence of it.

A lot of information had to be condensed into this piece. Batch decided on a comic-like grid to introduce new characters and scenes seamlessly without needing to extend an already long film. The decision also helped make the piece more playful and visually compelling to it’s teen audience. In our animatic one can see the planning of grids and introductions to information in order to lay the foundation for what needed to be achieved.

Bold, striking colours and consistent line work were used. Nearpod’s request was to be able to recognize skin colour, but not have it be obvious. Batch introduced a retro-inspired colour palette where shades of pinks and purple could be used on objects, backgrounds as well as characters. Here are some favourite frames:

The grid made the animation and storytelling effective, but simple.
So to add extra character and love to the piece Batch went ahead and added special details and consideration in the scenes. That was in details like transitions, added cel elements and type animation.

From the team:

“This project provided us with so much space to play, which is something we really appreciate. We were trusted to create a beautiful piece, which helped inspire us even more. You can tell when we’re having fun, it’s when our work is at it’s best.”


Executive Creative Director – Daniéla De Lange

Creative Director – Lené van Heerden

Illustration Lead – Tamzyn La Gorcé

Illustration – Lené van Heerden, Tamzyn La Gorcé, Viola Hunter

Animation Lead – Catherine Theodosopoulos

Animation – Catherine Theodosopoulos, Lené van Heerden

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