Bruce Emmett
Bruce Emmett is an illustrator renowned for his classic retro-styled illustrations, informed by his study of traditional techniques and created with digital tools, allowing for flexibility in this traditional art style.
Bruce started his career as a traditional oil painter and has a host of portraits and book covers to his name in that capacity. However, he also creates purely digital works so intricate that it can be difficult to determine which techniques were used on screen. His vintage-styled illustrations are popular with advertising campaigns and publishers who are searching for the perfect combination of nostalgia infused with modern concepts.
/ Avon
/ CBS Television
/ Coca Cola
/ Dell
/ Evans Cycles
/ GQ
/ Harper and Row
/ Johnnie Walker
/ MacMillan
/ McCoys
/ Ralph Lauren
/ Readers Digest
/ Ribena
/ Scholastic Books
/ Stylist
/ Virgin
/ Warner Books